Saturday, February 28, 2009


According to course reader HIST 1000, Port of Canton (China) was the precious place that has been narrated by many historians. Some of them quote that there was at one time up to 850 saracen ships docked at the this port.

Camille Castorina was a historian who studied on this issue and narrates that some saracan coins were found out in Scandinavia. Also, a system of cheques and a form of letter of credit have been used even at that moment.

In another view of commerce is that it was particularly well developed in the world of Islam. The observation towards the Qur’an on the part of “honor and the honest merchant” has been take note. The Muslims believe that they saw nothing wrong in getting rich. However, in contrast to both Christian and Buddhists, faithfully they considered a wealthy man to be the recipient of God’s blessings for a good life.

It is an obligatory for Muslims to share their wealth with the poor people. In Islam, they have the terms wakaf which are very commonly included in Muslim wills.