Muslims had created many motifs and had developed an amazing geometrically exclusively for the visual arts. Garlands, plants, or geometric figures such as triangles, diamonds and parallelograms were the examples of the motifs of their panting, ceramics, mosaics and inlay work. The entire Muslim world was succeeding with this achievement. However, as included in the Qur’an, artists were prohibited to represent the human figure as the creator, Allah. It is considered as blasphemous. However, the Muslims produced no sculpture beyond miniatures and no portrait painting for a long time.
The golden age of Islamic art lasted from 750 to the 16th century, when ceramics, glass, metalwork, textiles,illuminated manuscripts, and woodwork flourished. As an introduction, it is proven that the Islamic ceramics were amazing because during the Renaissance, the Italian potters or the person who makes clay pots by hand were imitating the Islamic luster-painted. Manuscript illumination developed into an important and greatly respected art, and portrait miniature painting flourished among the Persian. Calligraphy, an essential aspect of written Arabic, developed in manuscripts and architectural decoration.
Arabic calligraphy
Arabic script is the work of esthetical demands as much as the desire to communicate. It is classified as calligraphy. Is the calligraphy important towards Muslims? Yes, it was a special strength of the Muslims. During the Islamic civilization, Arabic lettering was almost involved in every form of art. Generally as quotations from the Qur’an.
Above is an example of an Arabic manuscript. It was from the 13th century arts. It is depicting Socrates in discussion with his pupils.
From a storytelling form, the Arabians were developed into a high art and they even created or invented fiction which is stories told in order to entertain people. The 1001 Nights or The Arabian Nights was the most famous book of stories in history field. It was created by a greatest Baghdad caliph, Harun al-Rashid. The period was in the early ninth century.
The golden age of Islamic art lasted from 750 to the 16th century, when ceramics, glass, metalwork, textiles,illuminated manuscripts, and woodwork flourished. As an introduction, it is proven that the Islamic ceramics were amazing because during the Renaissance, the Italian potters or the person who makes clay pots by hand were imitating the Islamic luster-painted. Manuscript illumination developed into an important and greatly respected art, and portrait miniature painting flourished among the Persian. Calligraphy, an essential aspect of written Arabic, developed in manuscripts and architectural decoration.
Arabic calligraphy
Arabic script is the work of esthetical demands as much as the desire to communicate. It is classified as calligraphy. Is the calligraphy important towards Muslims? Yes, it was a special strength of the Muslims. During the Islamic civilization, Arabic lettering was almost involved in every form of art. Generally as quotations from the Qur’an.
Above is an example of an Arabic manuscript. It was from the 13th century arts. It is depicting Socrates in discussion with his pupils.
From a storytelling form, the Arabians were developed into a high art and they even created or invented fiction which is stories told in order to entertain people. The 1001 Nights or The Arabian Nights was the most famous book of stories in history field. It was created by a greatest Baghdad caliph, Harun al-Rashid. The period was in the early ninth century.
In addition to that, poetry was also a strongly cultivated and very popular literary art form, especially among the Persian Muslims. Omar Khayyam, the twelfth-century Persian was one of the famous person throughout the world.