Saturday, February 28, 2009


As early as 3rd century, one of the earliest sciences at this moment was the astronomy. Amazingly, it has attracted the attention of the Muslims. Many achievements that have been gain by the scholars, some of them were:

- They discover the sun's epogee. It is about the points farthest from the earth in the orbit of the moon.
- They drew catalogues maps of visible stars which then they gave them the Arabic terms.
- They fixed the length of the year by correcting the sun and moon tables.
- They were the first to build observatories.
- They were the first to use the pendulum to measure time. The Pendulum was invented by Ibn Yunus, a genius in science who lived in the reign of Aziz Billah and Hakim bi-Amr-illah, the Fatimid monarchs of Egypt.
(The picture is an example of pendulum that our group found from the internet)

Sun Dial:

- Ibn Yunus also invented the sun dial. John Draper, another scholar said it was most valuable of all chronometic improvements. It can predicted sup spots, eclipses and appearance of comets.


- Abul-Wafa was the one who discovered a major aspect of astronomy known as the 3rd Lunar inequality.

- 1000 years later to the Danish Astronomer Tycho-Braho.


- Al-Battani (al-Bategnius) was considered as the most twenty astronomers in the world.
- Al-Biruni was the one who link between the schools of Baghdad and India.

.::Ulugh Beg::.

- Ulugh Beg was the one who made a complete survey of the state of this science nearly a century before Kepler.