Saturday, February 28, 2009


First and foremost, Alhamdulillah thanks to Allah s.w.t for giving us a smooth time while conducting this assignment. We were very delightful to present our assignment in ‘blogspot’ mode. This is due to that we can publish our works as a reference towards people all over the world. While doing this research, we relied on the kind of advice from our beloved lecturer Dr Hafiz Zakariya. Your support and encouragement have give wings to us to complete this assignment. Besides, with full of heart we would like to thanks to our family because they have supported this research by giving some financial to complete this work. Also, thanks to our classmates and friends. Moreover, our deepest thanks to our own group members who are Nor Farizan Bt Ramlie, Siti Zalikha Syazana Bt Mohammad, Nor Atirah Binti Ibrahim and Mahirah binti A Rashid. Certainly, we will be missing all the moment that we have gone through in doing this.

Here, we would like to give some guidance on how to explore our blog. For each page, we provide one posting. Therefore, you may refer to the blog archive for which title that you wish to know about. The blog archive is on your left on the screen. The sequences for the blog archive are:
a) The introduction
b) The history & origin
c) The caliphate in Baghdad
d) The scholars
e) The Mathematics
f) The Technology
g) The Physics
h) The Arts
i) The Astronomy
j) The Chemistry
k) The Medicine
l) The Geography
m) The Agriculture
n) The Industry
o) The Commerce
q) Muslim Civilization At Its Apex
r) Social Custom : Marriage and The Status of Women
s) The Decline of the Abbasids and the coming of the Turks and Mongols

We also had provided the section for you to comment on “You Talk, we responds”. Therefore, we will appreciate for the visitors to enjoy our blog and provide your precious comments for us.

Finally, we hope with the existence of this blog, all people over the world will appreciate the Islamic civilization and those people who were contributing directly or indirectly especially the scholars. With that, we end our posting with Assalamua’laikum w.b.t and thank you very much.
Please enjoy our movie before you enjoy our blog.